Monday, October 19, 2009


I must admit I am waaay outside my comfort zone at the moment. Kip and I came to Florida for the Savvy Club Gold Summit...

Next thing I know I'm getting to stay on for a couple weeks and participate in the Fineese L3/4 course and the Freestyle L3/4 course. Starting in like an hour!!!

Apparently when I get there I will magically have a horse and gear too!

I'm struggling with the speed of this leap of faith. But Pat has always said that he has made it a point to go out of his way to shake hands with opportunity. Seems like it has worked for him so I am trying to model his behavior.

And I think I've heard once or twice (lol) that if I'm comfortable then I'm not really learning and growing.

Well, at the moment, I feel like a weed!


  1. "Life changing" is what I keep hearing commented about the courses. I'm sure that you will grow tons and have a blast! Have you ever done a course before? *Please* keep us updated on your insights.. It will be years before I can afford to go! :-)

  2. Hi Emma.

    Unbelievable. I can't wait to hear how you "got to stay on for a couple of weeks". How does this happen ??? :):). You live right, girl! And a lesson with Linda !!!

    Love your site ... keep the stories coming. And say hi to Kip. Is he there with you or back home now?

    Liz & Bill
